ÇEVKO Vakfı olarak, 17 Aralık 2024 Salı günü ulusal ve uluslararası konuşmacıların yer alacağı “Genişletilmiş Üretici Sorumluluğu Konferansı”nı organize etmekteyiz.
Konferans programı aşağıda yer almaktadır. Konferansın ardından “Yeşil Nokta Sanayi ve Basın Ödülleri”nin verileceği bu özel günde sizi aramızda görmekten büyük mutluluk duyacağız.
Etkinlik günü fiziksel olarak aramızda olamayacaklar için etkinliğimiz YouTube hesabımızdan canlı olarak da yayınlanacaktır:
Okyar Yayalar
Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
As ÇEVKO Foundation, we are organizing the "Extended Producer Responsibility Conference" on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, where national and international speakers will take part.
The conference program can be found below. We will be very happy to see you among us on this special day where the "Green Dot Industry and Press Awards" will be given after the conference.
For those who will not be physically with us on the day of the event, our event will also be broadcast live on our YouTube account:
Okyar Yayalar
ÇEVKO Foundation
Chairman of the Board
GCA - General Manager
Green Dot Group - VP Corporate Affairs and Communication
ÇEVKO Foundation - Government, International Relations and Projects Manager
CONAI - Italy National Packaging Consortium - Head of International Affairs
EXPRA - Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance - Chairman
Unilever - Senior Corporate Affairs Manager
Unilever - Turkey, North Africa and Middle East, Head of Communications & Corporate Affairs
Ministry of Trade / Head of Advertising, Audit and Foreign Relations Department
ÇEVKO Foundation - Corporate Communications and Green Dot Manager
ÇEVKO Foundation - Board Member
EXPRA - Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance - Managing Director
ÇEVKO Foundation - Secretary General
Green Dot Industry Awards Jury President
PRO EUROPE - Managing Director
Türkiye Environment Agency -Recycling and Producer Responsibility Directorate, Environmental Engineer